Friday, April 15, 2011

A coupla notes

-Parenting is about raising kids to become contributing members of society.

- There is a higher rate of depressed high school kids now than there ever was before. Trends are showing that is because kids are now being raised to be narcissistic.

- You can't parent you kids 'in the moment'.  Parent with the result you want in the long run.

-To be a successful adult, you must have strong character.

- In the pursuit of having academically gifts kids, parents now get caught up with living in the moment opposed to building true character traits in their children.

- When your family revolves around your children, you limit their capacity to function in a real world.

- The role of a parent changes around the age of two for a child.  It goes from building a strong bond to building boundaries.  The child goes from being in the middle of the universe and everyone meeting their needs to being pushed to the outside where the parents are now in the middle making the decisions.

-  When the husband has an active part in making decisions, a stable environment will be found.

-  If you solely parent a child, they will miss the richness of seeing a good marriage between the parents.

-  Pain teaches us how to operate.  If it happens after your kids are raised, they become crippled.

-  Spanking is to get the attention of the child, not to discipline.

-  Words do not control a child.

-  Be clear & concise with expectations (i.e. "We are going to the store, so you need to be good" vs. "We are going to the store and you need to stay by my side and not touch anything")

-  Chores are a huge part of children becoming confident and making them feel apart of something.

-  Have a whining/ tantrum room.  Because you cannot stop them from doing it.  Have them stay all day in there if need be.

- Don't force your kids to be a part of an organized team too early (they may not be ready for it).

- Scenario:  You want your child to pick up their toys before your guests arrive for dinner.  Child will not pick up toys.  Because you do not want the result to be a child kicking and screaming when your guests arrive, go ahead and pick up the toys yourself.  At the next opportunity, limit the child's wants (i.e. you cannot play outside with the others because you chose not to pick up your toys.) Kids are smart, they will associate the situations.


  1. I want to post this on my blog, and I'm not even a parent! So much good information here, and so many parents who could benefit from it!
