Wednesday, May 2, 2012

These are a few of my favorite things

- The other month, Savannah loved to 'nuggle' and during the middle of a night - like 3am - when Brant was away on a trip, I heard her quietly walk into our dark room and up to my side of the bed. She simply looked at me and said in a cute little innocent voice "nuggle...?"  It was about the most precious thing ever...How could I not let her into bed with me to snuggle?  Especially when she picked a rare night that Brant was gone on a trip!

- She still likes to snuggle, but can now pronounce the 's'.  "Snuggle Mommy" "Snuggle Daddy"  "Snuggle Bed" "Snuggle Couch".  And we love it!

- There are three things that she is on the look out for whenever we're driving in the car and every time she spots them she excitedly lets us know.  "School Bus!" "Trash Man!" and our favorite "Octonauts!"  (Which she really means "Octagon" from the stop signs.... or more recently today the little security decal on a car window parked next to us".  She refers to them as "Octonauts" which is also a toddler cartoon show.

-One morning last week, after I had had a restless pregnancy night and was finally able to fall asleep at 6:30am (giving me, oh - 30 minutes or so before she was due to wake up) I actually woke up two hours later wondering how on earth she could still be sleeping past 8:30am - only to find that she had quietly walked into the room, found my phone beside the bed, and was sitting on the ground next to the bed playing on it without making a peep.  How long had she been there for?  What a gem for letting me sleep longer than usual on the most needed morning!

- She is tall.  Really tall.  The other week at the doctor's she was 36lb and 36in and wearing a size 4 in children's clothes.  Check out this bike with training wheels she sat on today - at 2 years and 4 months, she almost fits into it.  People out and about have a hard time believing she is that young. Just yesterday a woman in line at the deli said to me "She should be in school, shouldn't she?"  Um, no lady - she's only 2!!  And yes, she's got great potential for a full ride volleyball scholarship to college :)

-  Every time I ask her where baby sister is, she points to my belly and then will sometimes give it a kiss (how sweet!).  And then sometimes I'll catch her lifting up her shirt, pointing to her own little belly and saying "Baby Seester!"

- Two years, four pediatric docs, a dermatologist, an allergist, and well over a dozen prescriptions (and just as many if not more over the counter moisturizers and home remedies including bleach baths) - we have finally finally been able to get and keep her eczema under consistent control.  HALLELUJAH!!  I certainly don't wish baby #2 to have to struggle with eczema problems like Savannah has, but if she does - we will be much much  more prepared on how to handle it.


  1. She is super tall! Let me know when she makes the volleyball team!

  2. So happy to hear her eczema is finally under control. Love that little girl!!!

  3. She is tall! Volleyball champ for sure. :) I can relate with loving the snuggles. I would love to have more from my little guy.
